Saturday, July 16, 2011

Can breast augmentation surgery activate breast cancer cells ...

Can breast augmentation surgery activate breast cancer cells?

Posted by admin on July 15th, 2011

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Can breast augmentation surgery activate breast cancer cells?I?m 22 and would like to get breast implants in a few months. Cancer and auto-immune diseases run in my family, and my aunt was just diagnosed with breast cancer (she?s 50+). If I have cancer cells in my breasts (that aren?t active and undetected), is it possible that when my breast tissue is exposed to the air (during surgery), the cells will activate and become cancerous? Please, only answers from those who can help; I?m not looking for opinions or immature comments. Thanks!
essentiallysolo ? I?m not sure how to leave a comment, so I?m resorting to writing this as a detail. :( Thank you so much for your input; I was hoping to hear something along those lines; God willing, I?m not meant to have breast cancer! Have a great weekend!
Thank you, also, for your input! Breast cancer does run in my family, both of my grandparents? families have histories of it. My grandma had colon cancer twice, and there?s other history as well that I don?t know off hand. :( Again, thank you! You both are bearers of great news!

there is no evidence to suggest that what you are asking is true. If cancer is going to happen it is going to happen whether you have have augmentation surgery or not, likewise, if it isn?t meant to happen it won?t.

Cancer cells are not activated they either exist or they don?t. Having a single relative, especially over 50, does not indicate cancer runs in your family and a single second degree relative is not an increased risk to you. Women with breast implants are not more or less at risk for breast cancer than anyone else.

Give your answer to this question below! Breast Cancer Care Blog ? Breast Cancer Treatment Information and Pictures.

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