Monday, July 18, 2011

Autism's Common Symptoms | Health And Sport News

health tipsWhile the symptoms of autism can vary widely, the parents of an autistic child tend to know when something isn?t quite right. So it takes testing and an expert diagnosis to verify if someone is autistic or has another developmental disability that may have similar symptoms. What follows are the more typically encountered symptoms of autism, but do remember that there is much variability between children.

The infant?s need and desire for human touch is great, and that is a normal and expected behavior. One classic sign of autism is that the child shuns and avoids the touch of another person. This is something that is obvious at a very young age, and parents understandably find it distressing that their own children don?t like to be picked up or hugged. True, there are other symptoms seen in autistic children, but the aversion to physical contact is widely reported. Some efforts have been made to develop therapies to help the autistic child overcome the touch avoidance behavior, but right now it really is not clear if they are successful. Sometimes an autistic child/adult has very strong feelings about others entering what they consider to be their space.

Sometimes the symptoms of autism can be disturbing, as when a child engages in self-destructive behavior. Some of these autistic children will cause personal harm with dangerous objects, by hitting themselves, or banging their heads although not all of them. These kids need more than normal supervision. Because of the difficulty in communicating with autistic children it can become necessary to restrain or medicate them to keep them from hurting themselves. Parents who are unable to care for their autistic children choose to institutionalize them. Because these symptoms can be present in normal children too it is a good idea to get an expert diagnosis.

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Some autistic children show remarkable talents, and that is true of autistic adults as well. Maybe you have heard of the phrase, autistic savant? Some of the more well-known talents are in areas of math, music, and even painting.

They are not ?idiots? as they used to be idiot savants because the prevailing opinion was that they were of very depressed intellectual abilities. The level of intelligence in autistics is known to be at least of a normal level, and maybe even above normal ? the thing is that they don?t look at the world, and understand or process it, in the same ways everyone else does. But just like in the non-autistic population, there is a percentage of autistics who are mentally retarded. Part of the utterly compelling nature of autistic savants is their extreme abilities appear totally natural because they have not ever had any kind of education or training, etc.

Autism has many different symptoms and those with it will display a wide range of behaviors. The extremes go from not being able to hold a conversation to being able to hold a job, or start a family. As more research is done on autism, more will be understood about it. These are the most common symptoms of autism, although there are many others.


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